Know You Are Going To Be Anxious About Our Most current Majolica Fleur De Lis Ceramic Pottery Pasta Bowl Butter 11.5"D Set / 2
Though there are a few items very like our most recent Majolica Fleur De Lis Ceramic Pottery Pasta Bowl Butter 11.5"D Set / 2 previously out there, we known that not one of them have ever had the characteristics that we have included in ours. The strategy guiding our most up-to-date item is that as opposed to offering you one more standard model that never does quite what it's promoted as performing, we desired to present you with an item that moved very far further than this.
The objective guiding every product is not to only create another version of the same ones which are previously on the market, nobody wants that and you will find a lot of companies presently doing this. At manufacturer we attempted to literally transform the Majolica Fleur De Lis Ceramic Pottery Pasta Bowl Butter 11.5"D Set / 2. Our manuacturers returned to the drawing board and started from the very beginning. We checked out precisely what our original item had then set out to make it better.
From paying attention to what our customers wanted to say regarding what they loved and also did not like about the other Majolica Fleur De Lis Ceramic Pottery Pasta Bowl Butter 11.5"D Set / 2 out there, we worked hard to include all the features that you have been requesting in our most recent item. With all of these extras and a few extra nice minimal touches that we added in we Know that you are going to be completely thrilled with this our most recent offering. To make the bargain better still we are bringing it to you at a extremely low introductory cost which gives you genuine bang for your buck.
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Portuguese Majolica from the studios of Faiancas Artisticas Bordallo Pinheiro. Bordallo Pinheiro has been winning awards for their designs since the 1880's and are inspired by the works of the Portuguese political cartoonist, Rafael Bordallo Pinheiro.
- Hand Painted in Portugal
- Food Safe - Dishwasher Safe
- Stamped "Bordallo Pinheiro Portugal" on Bottom
- Available in other patterns, sizes and colors. See our Storefront
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